Moving-in is the best time to take on good resolutions and the climate emergency makes a lot of French people wanting to save energy to lower their bills and reduce their environmental impact.

How to deal with energy contracts to realise energy savings?

Why is it interesting to use a gas or electricity comparator?

It is necessary to choose an energy offer (gas and electricity) adapted to your needs without underestimating the budget and the global energy bill. Indeed, by choosing an energy offer adapted to your consumption habits, you will avoid overconsumption.

It is important to target your needs before looking for the right offer. Yu can also use a gas and / or electricity comparator to compare easily all the offers proposed by energy providers. Nowadays, you can choose the energy offer (and the rate option) you want. You are no longer subject to the regulated rate from EDF or Engie.

  • Classic Offer
  • Duo Offer
  • Connected Offer
  • Green Offer
  • Rate offer: peak and off-peak hours


Energy comparator allow you to target cheaper energy offers. However, the price, although being an important criteria, is not the only one to choose wisely your energy provider and to save money.

Total Direct Énergie, Vattenfall, Enge, Ilek, Plüms, Énergie d’Ici, EDF: how to choose your electricity provider?

Since the opening of the French energy market to competition, they are plenty of alternative energy suppliers on the market and some have taken the lead against historical providers like EDF and Engie.

Beyond the price, often more attractive with alternative energy suppliers that are not subject to the regulated rate, some criteria can help you choosing your provider.

  • Emergency management
  • Litigation management
  • Availability of customer service
  • Cold calling
  • Diversity of offers


Which everyday actions can you take to save energy?

Moving-in is a good moment to make changes and to take on good resolutions, and if you want to make savings in your new flat, you can take some simple everyday actions.

Clean your electrical appliances regularly to maintain their use capacity and avoid overconsumption due to bad maintenance.

Choose the good setting for temperature, that is 19°C for your flat, 0 to 5°C for the refrigerator and -1°C for the freezer: 1°C lower can help you save up to 7% on your energy bill.

Use more efficient and economical equipment such as low consumption bulbs, thermostats, etc.

Unplug your unused electrical devices or use a standby multi-socket: you can save up to 11% on your electricity bill.

Turn off the light in unused rooms and avoid ambient lights.


With time, these actions can make you save significantly on your energy bill and lower your impact on environment. You can take these actions gradually.

Good management of your energy contracts and some small everyday actions can help you save energy and lower your impact on environment but it is also important to ensure a good energy efficiency of your flat.