Which internet provider choose: Orange, Bouygues Telecom, Free or SFR?

The French telecommunications market is (mainly) shared between the four principal internet providers. These providers deploy their own telephone and/or internet lines in France and offer internet and mobile phone deals with different options and prices.

Most internet providers offer Triple Play deals in which you benefit from a landline phone, internet access (high speed or fibre) and television with a TV and various options.

The choice of an internet provider can be done with different criteria you should have in mind before subscribing, most of them having an engagement length.

                Quality of connection: ADSL or optical fibre

                Price of deals offered: the engagement length is usually attractive but look for the “actual” price after engagement

                Included services and options of the deal: connection speed, channel options, etc

                Quality of customer service: availability, conflict management, solicitation, etc.

In the case of providers offering Netflix as a free option (Orange, Bouygues Telecom and Free), you have to subscribe to Netflix to get the service.  TV decoders from the different providers serve as a relay. For example, on the Orange HD TV decoder, channel 70 is Netflix.

You can find all the information about Free following that link or you can go directly to the official websites of the internet providers as well as forums to choose the most adapted provider to your needs.

Which internet deal choose to watch Netflix: Livebox, Bbox, Freebox or SFR?

The price of an internet offer is one of the main criteria to subscribe but if you want to benefit from some options, such as unlimited acces to Netflix VoD services, it is important to evaluate the services proposed by the internet providers.


The American streaming platform is indeed available on all your screens if you subscribe monthly but some French internet providers include the Netflix subscription in their offers. It is the case with the Freebox Delta and Freebox One deals from the low-cost internet provider.